Thursday, March 1, 2007

100th Post Caption Contest Spectacular!

Welcome to post #100! Since it's inception "The Ultimate Guide to the Awesome" has been updated one hundred times with wit and wisdom from yours truly.

So, in the spirit of the celebration, I'm getting drunk.

..nOw Im' bcak... just kidding, that was stupid.

Anyways, I decided to have a caption contest for this historical post. And this time, I mean it... I need you to put down your innermost, darkest, deepest secrets into developing a thought provoking, world peace achieving comment. I don't care who you are (well, I do, don't get me wrong) or where you're from.... don't care what you do, as long as you... post a comment.

Seriously, I don't care how shy you are, I want to learn your opinions on this limbo-ing grandma.


Winner will have their name posted on my blog within two weeks (the length of the contest) and is eligible for a beer, purchased by me.


Anonymous said...

grandma going down on the stick

Mike said...

It's a good start, 'anonymous' and so far you're in the lead over the rest, hah. I'm gonna need your name if you want a beer.

barns said...

You must be this handicapped to ride this attraction.

barns said...

Kids can be so mean. All I was going for was a carton of milk.

Anonymous said...

Besty shows "those young hooligans" that grandma still got game! Biatches!

.... now eat your damn porridge and quit your bitchin'

barns said...

Oh how I hope my skirt flys up!

dana said...

the last time i did this i broke my hip and that is why i'm in this god forsaken scooter. i hate kids....