Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Weird Dreams

Anyone ever dream that they were bit by a barn cat and then wondered whether or not it actually happened and if you should get the shots or not? Me too! Last night I was tossing and turning and ended up (in my dream world) in my old barn at the farm. I bent down to pick up this little fluffball and it bit me on the ends of both index fingers and then took off in a puff of white foam and hisses. I awoke with a start and was disoriented to both place and time. Not sure if what I dreamt had been real I panicked. How long would I have to wait to get these shots? How many were there... were they even necessary? And then I remembered from my pharmacy schooling... or something... that I'd need to cut the cats head open to find if it had rabies. Only thing was was that I was scared to find it again because it would bite me. Anyways, turns out I was still dreaming and I woke up when the buzzer went off... rabies free!

1 comment:

Reena said...

Maybe you were in the collapsed snowtunnel with me, with Bart Simpson and Milhouse. And maybe the cat that bit you was Scratchy... I seriously thought it was the coolest thing ever to be trapped in snow with those 2 characters for 3 days...