Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pharmacy Joke

Three pregnant women are sitting in their gynecologist's office waiting for their appointments. They are each knitting a sweater for their baby. The first woman opens up her purse takes out a tablet and swallows it. The other women ask, "What was that?" to which she replies "Folic acid, its good for the baby."

The second woman opens up her purse and takes out a tablet. Looking at her fellow waiting room friends she says "It's calcium, its good for both the baby and me." The mothers to be return to their knitting.

Some time later the third woman picks up her purse and pops a pill. The other ask her, "What was that, minerals? vitamins? supplements?" To which she replies "No, its Thalidomide... I'm terrible at making sleeves."


Anonymous said...

Oh so limboricious.

Anonymous said...

that's sick! ha.

Reena said...

Mike!! That's a terrible joke! but yet here I am giggling somewhat... :)

Anonymous said...

Horrible joke. You should be ashamed...

Lance said...

help me be witty.

and quit allowing anonymous comments. they are stupid.

dana said...

i dont get it?
does it prevent arm growth?