Friday, September 14, 2007

Where's the 'Profen?

You know what makes me laugh? Jokes... but also this... people who argue with the pharmacist about medications that they've just made up.

A lady did that obnoxious shaking of the box in front of our glass cage thing yesterday and asked "Where's the 'profen?". After she quit rattling the box at me I could clearly see that she was indeed holding up a box of generic ibuprofen.

"That is the ibuprofen, its our store brand Advil." I replied, somewhat annoyed... well, in my general tone.

"Yes, I know that, but I want just regular profen, not ibuprofen."

Before I burst out laughing in this poor woman's face another pharmacist went out to help her. Probably a good thing too, that store pushed my sanity to the edge.

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