Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fucking Snow

Sunday night I went to sleep to the sound of the wind through the window and the sight of fresh slushy snow falling on... everything. It soaked and froze and made slippery every thing under the ... ugly ass clouds, I guess since there wasn't any damned sun or moon. Monday morning I hopped out of bed to greet the day and do some last minute preparations for my midterm that was just hours away. Leaving the house with over an hour and half to go time I was a little unnerved to see that cars were not moving on the roads. Curious, I thought. Then it hit me, people in the city are pansies when it comes to driving in snow. It wasn't the least bit slippery but you throw some white shit down and the collective speed limit nears 5 km/hour.

A few F bombs later it was 8:30 and Lance had already missed his first class of the day while I dreaded writing a midterm that I needed more time to prepare for (love that last minute cram). Around 9:10 am I was still on the road, and moving approximately 1 car length every 5 minutes. I decided to take action. I called the college and told them I was going to be late. Feeling a little better that I wouldn't fail or run out of time I sat back as some bitch let a large trailer and then two small sedans in front of the ever growing line. I hope her children are born retarded.

Nearing the overpass of 108th and Circle I could see clear grey road ahead, yet no one was moving! It appeared as if people were outside their cars flailing about madly... perhaps even in.. yes, a fist fight. People were fighting in the street, backing up traffic for almost 10 blocks. I was not impressed as it was now 9:15 and I was a little anxious that I had been on the road for over an hour and travelled 12 blocks.

The fight eventually resovled and I was on my merry way, to hit rock bottom on a geriatric incontinence exam, good times, eh?

Morale: Stay in your fucking car and drive like you rented that thing. I don't care if there's 2 inches of snow, use your head, not your brakes.


brendawg said...

that is so balls.

brendawg said...

Your so balls too, Update this bitch so I have something to read goddammit!